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vendredi 9 mars 2007

Manifesto on Freedom and Democracy for Viet Nam in 2006

on Freedom and Democracy for Viet Nam in 2006
(Manifesto 8406)

by Group 118 in Viet Nam on 8 April 2006
& 1,872 Domestic Peaceful Democratic Fighters & 2,030 Overseas Peaceful Democratic Fighters on 22 Aug 2006

Final English version by Bloc 8406
Viet Nam, April 8th, 2006
& August 22nd, 2006

Dear respected fellow-countrymen inside and outside Viet Nam,
We, the undersigned, representatives of Peaceful Democratic Fighters for democracy in Viet Nam, and all People who are craving for an authentic Democracy for our beloved Fatherland, Viet Nam, unanimously declare :

Chapter I – The real situation in Viet Nam

1- In the Revolution of August 1945, the choice of all Vietnamese was National Independence, not Socialism. The Declaration of Independence, dated September 2nd, 1945, by Ho Chi Minh, did not mention a single word about Socialism or Communism. Two main causes that made that August Revolution successful were the People’s Aspiration for National Independence and The gap of power in Viet Nam during that time (The French colonists were unseated from power by the Japanese on March 9th, 1945, and the Japanese surrendered to the Allied Forces on August 15th, 1945).

Obviously, the objective of that August Revolution has been deviously redefined by the Communist Party. And, naturally, the Right of Self-Determination for the Vietnamese People has been totally abolished. There were at least two historical opportunities, one in North Viet Nam in 1954, and the other for the whole of Viet Nam in 1975, for all Vietnamese People to realise their Right of Self-Determination. But that has never been implemented by the malicious Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV), because according to Lenin, when the dictatorship of the proletariat is established, its very first function is Violence, Terrorism, and Suppression.

2- On September 2nd, 1945, in Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, President of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, solemnly declared to the Vietnamese People and to the whole world: “All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Among these are the rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That immortal statement is from the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, written in 1776. Generalized, it means that all People in the world are born equal, have the right to live, the right to seek happiness and the right to be free. The Declaration of Human and Civil Rights of the French Revolution in 1791 also says : “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights and must always remain free and equal in rights.” This is the Righteousness which no one can deny.” (Excerpts of Viet Nam Declaration of Independence dated September 2nd, 1945).

However, all of these sacred Rights of the Vietnamese People have been brazenly trampled immediately after the Communist government had been formed.

3- In February 1951, the Declaration of the Labor Party of Viet Nam (now the CPV) in the Second General Assembly stated: “The Party’s Ideology is Marxism-Leninism”. And in the party’s Regulations, the Objectives and Guiding Principles section clearly stated: “The Labor Party of Viet Nam utilizes Marxism, Engelism, Leninism, Stalinism and the thoughts of Mao Tse Tung, combined with the realities of the Vietnamese Revolution, as the foundation of its thoughts, and the lodestar for all of the Party’s actions…”

Since then, especially in North Viet Nam after 1954, and in the whole nation after April 30, 1975, the phantom of communism always has oppressed and haunted the minds of the Vietnamese People. It is that phantom, and nothing else, which has destroyed every one of the Vietnamese People’s Rights. Even today, that phantom still claims both the spirit and the body of the Vietnamese People throughout the whole country.

Chapter II - Universal Rule

1- History has proved that under any totalitarian government, communist or otherwise, rights of freedom and democracy have always been mercilessly trampled, differing only in degree. Unfortunately, Viet Nam is one of the few nations in the world which is still governed by a totalitarian Communist regime. This is, in fact, reflected in the fourth article of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam of 1992: “The CPV…following Marxism-Leninism and the thoughts of Ho Chi Minh, is the force leading the government and the society”. As a result, the rights of freedom and democracy of the Vietnamese People have been completely abolished. At most, only a few tiny broken pieces of these rights still exist.

2- It is this monopolization of power, which by nature never accepts competition or replacement, that has strongly driven the system toward backwardness and degeneration. Because there are no regulations or principles for fair competition in the political arena, the People cannot select the most suitable officials or political groups, since elections are completely orchestrated by the government. Hence, the leadership and management of the country have become more and more corrupt and dismantled from the central government to the local authorities. Consequently, Viet Nam has become a nation lagging far behind other nations in the region and around the world. The resulting national shame and the nationwide catastrophes caused by government mismanagement are extremely difficult to eradicate. The issue of all issues and the cause of all causes is that: the CPV is the sole political force which assumes leadership in our country! Reality has shown that every country which has fallen into the orbit of Communism has been tragically devastated. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the cradle of Communism, and other socialist nations in Eastern Europe, have bravely overcome their past and turned themselves around to find the right path for their People.

3- We all understand: no one can correct history, but history can be redirected. From history, we learn that the most important thing we can do is to set the right direction for the future. In the past, the direction of our country was hastily and immaturely chosen by the CPV and imposed by force on our People. Reality has proved that direction to be completely wrong. Therefore, today, we, the Vietnamese People, must again choose our way. And surely, the choice of the whole People will be far superior to that of one single person or any small group. The CPV is only a small subset of the Vietnamese People. Therefore it cannot in the name of the People impose its own choice of direction. Before the People and History throughout more than half of the past century (1954-2006), the CPV has usurped the name but had never the righteousness. The simple reason is that there has never been a truly free election in Viet Nam under the Communist regime.

From the above-mentioned situation and universal laws, with the consciousness of responsible citizens toward the destiny of our beloved country, we beg to make known our thoughts to our fellow-countrymen inside and outside Viet Nam, as follows:

Chapter III - Goals, methods and meanings of the fight

1- The paramount goal in the fight for Freedom and Democracy for our People today is to replace completely the current political regime, not to renovate it partially or to only “adjust” it minutely. Specifically, the current oligarchic, one-party political regime, without competition in the political arena, must be converted to a pluralist, multi-party political system, incorporating wholesome competition, to meet our Country’s legitimate needs. In this regime the three branches, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary, must be clearly separated, in accordance with international standards and with the wisdom that humanity has gained at a very high cost in the building of successful democracies.
Our concrete goals are to re-establish fundamental rights for the Vietnamese People as follows:

- Freedom of Speech in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by the United Nations on December 16, 1966 and by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on September 24, 1982, article 19.2 : “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” This means that political parties, organizations and individuals have the right to freedom of speech via newspapers, radio, television, or any other form of mass media, without requiring the permission of the government.

- Freedom of meeting, of creating associations and political parties, and of voting in and running for elections in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 25 : “Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity... (a) to take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives ; (b) to vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors.” This means that political parties of all ideologies may compete fairly in an authentic pluralist, multi-party democracy.

- Freedom to organize trade unions and legitimate strikes in accordance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratified by the United Nations on December 16, 1966 and by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on September 24, 1982, articles 7 and 8 : “The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work... The right of everyone to form trade unions and join the trade union of his choice, subject only to the rules of the organization concerned, for the promotion and protection of his economic and social interests....(with) the right to strike.” These trade unions must be organizations free to act independently; there must never be any kind of trade union that benefits solely the government at the expense of the workers.

- Freedom of religion according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 18: “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.” These religions must be independent in their activities and cannot be transformed into instruments of the government.

2- The Method of this fight is peace and non-violence. It is the Vietnamese People who must take the initiative in carrying out this fight. However, we profoundly appreciate the passionate and increasingly effective support of our friends in other nations around the world. Through modern means of communication and increasingly open international relations, we will use these means to find ways to help our fellow-countrymen to complete their knowledge. Once having a clear and correct realization, the Vietnamese People will act appropriately and effectively.

3- The meaning of this fight is to make “the Right subdue the Wrong”, to make progress subdue backwardness, to allow the People’s forces which are correctly applying the principles of life and the trends of our times, to subdue the evil forces which are trying to counteract these trends and principles. The CPV, whether going along with the Vietnamese People or not, depends on the degree to which the CPV is objective, fair, lucid and humble enough to accept the principles of fair competition. Only the one-party political regime must be permanently and definitely buried in the grave of the past. Only then, will the People find only the best persons and parties after each election to lead our nation. The principle “The Righteousness triumphs !” will be established and individual life will become much better, society will become more human and our fellow-countrymen will live together much more amicably.

We sincerely hope that this Manifesto will encourage enthusiastic cooperative action from our fellow-countrymen inside and outside Viet Nam, and the support of our friends around the world. We profoundly thank and call on the United Nations, the Congresses and Parliaments, the Governments, the International Organizations and our friends worldwide to continue their passionate and effective support of this just fight, contributing to help us lead our Vietnamese Fatherland to join soon with other civilized, ethical, prosperous and free nations in the international community.

Unanimously declared in Viet Nam April 8, 2006 - August 22, 2006
Interim Representatives of the 118 Peaceful Democratic Fighters on 8 April 2006 and of the 1,872 Domestic Peaceful Democratic Fighters & 2,030 Overseas Peaceful Democratic Fighters on 22 Aug 2006 and of many tens of thousands of Members of Viet Nam & Overseas Vietnamese of the Bloc 8406
Do Nam Hai, Engineer, Sai Gon.
Tran Anh Kim, Former Military Officer, Thai Binh.
Nguyen Van Ly, Catholic Priest, Hue.


Declaration of Group 8406
10 Fundamental Conditions for a Truly Free, Democratic, and Multi-Party
National Assembly Election in 2007

Viet Nam, June 20, 2006 - August 22, 2006

Article 4 of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, promulgated in 1992, states in an arbitrary and undemocratic way as follows :

The Communist Party of Viet Nam, the vanguard of the Vietnamese working class, the faithful representative of the rights and interests of the working class, the toiling people, and the whole nation, acting upon the Marxist-Leninist doctrine and Ho Chi Minh's thought, is the force leading the State and Society.

Therefore, in order to have a truly free, democratic, and multi-party National Assembly Election in 2007, political activities in Viet Nam must satisfy the following 10 fundamental conditions :
1- The current XI National Assembly, established by the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV), must officially and openly repeal the above very arbitrary and undemocratic Article 4 of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

2- If the CPV truly wants to accept a real multi-party system, the current National Assembly must establish at once an Election Preparation Council for the first election of a real multi-party National Assembly. This council must prepare and announce a Law of Independent Parties, a Law of free nomination and Vote for truly Independent Elections, a Law of Freedom of Expression and Press, and a Law of Non-Partisan Radio and Television.

3- Those democratic parties must have actual head-offices with correct addresses; their members shall be free to travel around, public and safe to develop themselves; shall have independent media to freely communicate with the public without fear of being controlled, suppressed, confiscated, punished,…by the authorities. In other words, there must be a clear and fair Law of Freedom of the Press and Freedom to Form Associations prior to the election campaign.

4- Those in jail and under house arrests who are fighting for democracy and religious freedom shall be released, and shall be free of harassment. They shall be free to use emails, telephone, internet without fear of persecution based on vague charges. People shall be free from government control and from threat of heavy punishments because of not accepting the Decree 56/2006/ND-CP on Freedom of Communications. This Decree blatantly violates Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratified by the United Nations in 1966 and by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in 1982 :
Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.

5- All democratic parties shall be allocated the same time and opportunity to express their views on radio, television and other public media on a par with the CPV. This means that before a free, democratic, and multi-party election, public media must be free of its party affiliation in order to serve all political parties in an equal and unbiased manner.

6- All parties participating in the election must be free to fairly nominate their candidates. The organizations affiliated to the Front for the Fatherland of Viet Nam - a tool of the CPV - such as the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Women’s Association, the Veterans Association, the Farmers Association, the United Committees of Religions, etc… must not be allowed to nominate candidates in order to siphon or to get votes for the CPV in a wicked and disguised way.

7- The CPV must not misuse its advantages of the current state means and facilities such as public funds, offices, cars, radio and television systems, and the huge press (over 600 newspapers and magazines under numerous forms) that they have been established by the CPV over the years. In other words, the CPV must stop using the unique position of a supreme authority which has controlled a lackey government over the last 60 years before a truly democratic, free, and multi-party election. It must stop acting in this well-known wicked and hideous way.

8- The Security Police and the Armed Forces must serve only to protect the Fatherland and their citizens. They must not serve any specific party or organization. The members of any party who are serving in these two establishments shall place the interests of the Fatherland and the People above those of their own parties.

9- Voters shall be free to contact all parties in order to get to know them and to make their own choices without being subjected to any attempt in buying off, threat or pressure, however minor they may be, especially on the part of the CPV.

10- Lastly, besides the Election Preparation Council, there should be an Election Inspection and Vote Verification Council with a just and exact operation, based on the civilized and democratic standards approved by the United Nations. This is to show that the National Assembly Election of 2007 is a fair and healthy competition which deserves international recognition and which meets the Vietnamese People’s expectations.

Group 8406, all legitimate and democratic parties and the Vietnamese People shall boycott any false election, be it a one-party or multi-party one, until the above 10 fundamental conditions are met. There will be no legitimate and free election even if only one of the above conditions is not met, as witnessed what has happened in Viet Nam over the past 60 years.

Viet Nam, June 20, 2006 – August 22, 2006
Interim Representatives of Group 8406,
consisting of 1,712 and 1,872 Peaceful Democratic Fighters
and tens of thousands of Vietnamese Members living inside Viet Nam.

Do Nam Hai, Engineer, Sai Gon
Tran Anh Kim, Former Army Officer, Thai Binh
Nguyen Van Ly, Catholic Priest, Hue
69 Phan Dinh Phung, Hue, Viet Nam.




Viet Nam, August, 22nd 2006


1- Step 1 : During last few decades, many Vietnamese Citizens even members of the Communist Party of Viet Nam as well as Democratic Activists have critically been fighting – by any way - for human rights, democracy, freedom for Vietnamese People : freedom of speech, freedom to establish trade union, association and party, religious freedom… On 22 Feb 2006, 4 Catholic Priests declared an Appeal for the Rights to freedom of speech and information titled “We are no longer afraid. We ought to know the Truth.” As a result, on 23 Feb 2006, the first time, hundreds of domestic Vietnamese Fighters simultaneously signed in The Declaration of Freedom of Speech and Information for Vietnamese.

2- Step 2 : On 8 Apr 2006, The Manifesto on Freedom and Democracy for Viet Nam in 2006 was solemnly made public to Vietnamese People and International Community. On the basic of this Manifesto, Bloc 8406 was established, it has been quickly developing stronger and stronger and has gained tremendous support from domestic Countrymen, Overseas Vietnamese and International Community.
- On 15 Apr 2006, The first issue of a bi-weekly magazine “Freedom of Speech” was circulated simultaneously in many cities in Viet Nam.
- On 15 Aug 2006, The first issue of a special magazine “Freedom and Democracy” was planned to have been in circulation in Ha Noi by some Peaceful Democratic Fighters.
- Intensifying the struggle to regain freedom of speech and information completely abolished under the communist regime in Viet Nam more than last 50 years for the whole Vietnamese People; encouraging individuals and organisations to bravely and publicly read newspaper and use other means of popular mass media; striving to have these publications displayed and sold at news-stands and bookstores.


3- Step 3 : Besides non-communist and democratic political Parties secretly acting in Viet Nam for a long time, the flourishing of movement struggling for human rights, civil rights, democracy in Viet Nam and the birth of Bloc 8406 have promoted some of non-communist and democratic political Parties to reactivate and other non-communist and democratic political Parties to publicly appear with their headquarters, offices, press agencies and other means of popular communication and media.

4- Step 4 : Reactivated and newly established political Parties will publicly state their Platforms, Guiding Principals and Objectives to the People in order to attract the support of the common Citizens, admit more members, build their infrastructure, develop, consolidate and perfect their organization. Then Bloc 8406 will put an end to its activity and transfer its role to the political Parties.


5- Step 5 : Political Parties should unify into one or more allies to put pressure on Viet Nam communist authorities to establish a Compilation Council of Temporary Constitution consisting of Representatives from all political Parties, social Organizations and Religion which desire to nominate their Representatives to participate.
6- Step 6 : Hold a Referendum on the New Temporary Constitution and Declare The Temporary Constitution.


7- Step 7 : Establish a Council to implement New and Temporary Constitution ratified by the whole People, establish a Council to Organize the first term Democratic National Assembly Election including Committees : election law compilation Committee, Committee of organizing election and counting the votes, international inspection Committee…; Make first term National Assembly Election fair, free, and civilized.

8- Step 8 : The first Democratic National Assembly will compose and ratify the Official Constitution, choose the National Name, National Emblem, National Flag, National Anthem,… and make the Official Constitution become true in the whole People’s life.

Interim Representatives of Bloc 8406 consisting of 1,872 Peaceful Democratic Fighters and tens of thousands of Members living inside Viet Nam :

Do Nam Hai, Engineer, Sai Gon.
Tran Anh Kim, Former Army Officer, Thai Binh.
Father Nguyen Van Ly, Catholic Priest, Hue.
69 Phan Dinh Phung, Hue, Viet Nam.


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